The most important date producing provinces of Iran

Dates have many cultivars that are cultivated in more than twenty provinces of Iran. Dates are grown and harvested in the tropical provinces of Iran, which indicates the growth of this product in hot climatic conditions. The southern provinces of Iran, having a warm climate, are always producers of many varieties of dates.

Date producing provinces in the south of the country

Iran’s dates have a great variety and different samples, each one is produced in different provinces. Briefly below, we will mention the most important date producing provinces in Iran.

Fars province:

Fars province produces all kinds of dates, the cultivated area is about 28 thousand hectares and the amount of production is about 170 thousand tons. Dates produced in this province are Pyaram, Kabkab, Zahdi, Shahani and Khasowi.

Bushehr Province: The cultivated area of this province is about 34 thousand hectares and the amount of production is about 160 thousand tons. Kebab and Zahedi dates are the most important products of this province.

Hormozgan Province:

This province produces the best example of Pyaram dates in the world, and most of the products of this center are exported abroad. The cultivated area of Hormozgan is about 33 thousand hectares and the amount of production is 140 thousand tons. Dates produced in this province are Pyaram, Shahani, Majol, Zahedi, Khasvi and Kabkab.

Sistan and Baluchistan Province:

The cultivated area of this province is about 55 thousand hectares and the amount of production is about 227 thousand tons. Mozafati and Rabi dates are products of this province.

Khuzestan Province:

The cultivated area of this province is about 40 thousand hectares and the amount of production is about 165 thousand tons. The products produced in this province are Kabkab, Zahedi, Sayer, Khasowi

Kerman province:

Kerman province produces all kinds of dates, the cultivated area is about 28 thousand hectares and the amount of production is about 155 thousand tons. The important dates of this province are Mozafati, Shahani, Kloteh, Rabi, Zahedi, etc. Considering the quality, variety and volume of date production in Iran, you can contact us to buy and prepare these products

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