Information about raisins

Raisins are dry grapes and are produced in many regions of the world. When grapes are dehydrated to produce raisins, the nutrients become more concentrated. Raisins, despite their small size, are full of energy and rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Mineral, it is naturally sweet and tasty. Raisins are prepared by drying grapes, which are the primary ingredient for making raisins, in the sun or in the shade. To make 1 cup of raisins, more than 4 cups of grapes are needed, and to produce one type A good grape must have special properties such as ripening early and drying easily. In addition, they should have a soft texture and a pleasant taste.

There are different ways to produce raisins. The most popular is this natural method, which will be explained in detail.

The basic steps in natural raisin production include harvesting, processing, and packaging. A small portion of raisins are produced from mechanically dried grapes, but most are produced through sun drying.

The first step to producing good raisins is to grow quality grapes in the vineyard. Grape farming is a year-round commitment and includes pruning, irrigation, fertilization and pest control.

Raisins of Iran

Iran is the third exporter of raisins in the world with the export of 92 thousand tons (7% of global consumption) of raisins worth 70 million dollars annually. The advantage of Iranian raisins is mainly its price and different processing methods, and for this reason, Iranian raisins are among the best raisins. It is the world. It is believed that people discovered raisins when the grapes dried on the vine.

History books note that raisins were sun-dried from grapes as early as 1490 BC, but it took several hundred years to determine which type of grape made the best raisins.

The history of raisins

Raisin was first obtained from a grape that was cultivated in Iran around 2000 BC and is mentioned in the Bible and the Quran. Iran, Türkiye and Greece were the main producers of raisins until the 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century, the United States and Australia were the second largest producers of raisins in the world. Iran is one of the largest producers of raisins in the world, and Iranian raisins have the largest volume of production and export in the world.


Anemia: Raisins are rich in iron, copper and B complex vitamins. They are a valuable addition to the daily diet. Anemia or iron deficiency can be cured by regular consumption of raisins.

•  Cancer: High levels of polyphenolic antioxidants, known as catechins, destroy free radicals that lead to tumors, especially colon cancer.

•  Poor digestion: Raisins contain rich fiber content. They act as an excellent remedy for treating chronic constipation. Raisins regulate bowel movements and keep the digestive system healthy

•  Cabbage: Because they are rich in phenolic phytochemicals, they are excellent antibacterial and antioxidant agents. Raisins are useful for relieving bacterial infections or fever caused by viruses.

•  Poor eye health: It also contains many polyphenolic phytonutrients that are very beneficial for eye health. Because they protect the eyes from many damages caused by free radicals. They are also good sources of vision-improving vitamin A and beta-carotene to maintain eye health.

Low energy: Raisins are rich in carbohydrates, especially natural sugars such as glucose and fructose. That’s why raisins are always useful when you need a quick boost of energy. They also help in good absorption of all essential nutrients including protein in the body.

•  Bad dental hygiene: Another great benefit of raisins is that they contain a phytochemical called oleanolic acid, which offers tremendous protection against a variety of dental problems. If someone suffers from cavities, tooth decay or brittle teeth. Raisins prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth. In addition, raisins are also rich in calcium to protect tooth enamel.

•  Blood pressure: Raisins regulate blood flow and reduce high blood pressure. Since they contain many antioxidants along with iron, potassium and B complex vitamins. It is useful for reducing blood vessel stiffness. It helps a lot in lowering and reducing blood pressure. The absence of sodium makes it a great snack when you’re hungry.

•  Treats insomnia: They are also recommended as a useful treatment to help sleep disorders. Guaranteed to fix distorted sleep patterns.

Poor bone health Raisins contain good amounts of calcium. It is important for strengthening bones and relieving joint pain. Raisins are also an excellent source of a micronutrient, also helpful in preventing menopausal osteoporosis and supporting bone health.

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